La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for October 17, 2010

  1. Flagfeetani
    ninetoes  over 14 years ago

    I just love the vilification of the governor of a state that just wants a way to enforce existing laws that the feds are to lazy to take care of.

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    longtimecomicsfan  over 14 years ago

    Gee, is that the same as usurping Federal authority? What’s next, will Arizona enter into treaties with foreign nations because the Feds won’t, or will they declare war if the Feds don’t?

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    Prof_Bleen  over 14 years ago

    I just love someone who can spell vilification correctly but doesn’t know the difference between to and too.

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    herdleader53  over 14 years ago

    How about one showing the drug lord that has caused the fed. govt. to post signs in AZ telling US citizens to stay out of parts of AZ because it is too dangerous because of the drug and people smugglers who control the area.

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  5. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 14 years ago

    ^ Prof that is funny.

    I wonder if Paladino masks are going to be a hit this year.

    Witch costumes and brooms have probably sold out because of the distinguished Senate candidate from Delaware.

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