Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for October 17, 2016
Laura: Adam? Adam: Mmuh? Laura: Look, I know you're struggling with the no-coffee thing. But the plumber is going to be here soon and I have to leave. Can you wake up and talk to him? Adam: Grunt...plumb. Plumey good. Fnurr. Katy: It's okay. I speak sleepy dad.
wmbrainiac over 8 years ago
Behaving like an evil empire since well before the 1950’s
sartre over 8 years ago
Since every nation feels itself to be good, the interesting question is “How would we know if we were the bad guys?” .The freedom to criticise our own (western) nations and their leaders doesn’t necessarily confer moral superiority. It’s just that dissent is managed more adroitly.
Doctor Toon over 8 years ago
It’s been a few months since my Nuclear Coffee made an appearance in the strip
I have feeling when Adam “falls off the wagon”, he might fall hard
Willywise52 Premium Member over 8 years ago
This is disturbing.Is Katie gonna need to learn “Junkie Dad”?
Jason Allen over 8 years ago
Hillary supporters keep trying to scare independent progressives into voting for Hillary. The problem is that you can’t scare me into voting for someone I’m already scared of.
Hillary is little more than a war mongering moderate Republican who favors corporations over the general welfare of ordinary citizens. She’s pro-oil, pro-fracking, pro-TPP, pro-off shore tax haven… When does she ever get around to being pro-middle class? Her running mate is so conservative, he supports Republican “right-to-work” legislation that actually weakens workers’ rights. I’m supposed to fear Trump in the face of that?
We’re screwed regardless if Hillary or Trump wins. Neither of them have my vote.
Jason Allen over 8 years ago
Also, if any of the admins are reading, please bring back the line break HTML tag. I can see disabling links and images due to spamming, but the line break tag is only good for formatting lines of text.
Michael Peterson Premium Member over 8 years ago
So why don’t you stop telling us how EEEEEVIL everyone is and do a cartoon about how the world SHOULD run, Ted? Do you even have a plan, or is anger the only tool in your kit?
Prey over 8 years ago
Pipe dreams? So not a Tuba Smarties?
littlecheif09123 over 8 years ago
Good comic strip
phredturner over 8 years ago
Ted should emigrate to a country he feels better about…China, Russia, iran, ISIL territory, Where can better draw his angry toons and jaywalk unfettered
wcorvi over 8 years ago
Mitchell and Webb – are we the baddies:
avarner over 8 years ago
She should have been ashamed to use that PARTIAL quote:
“America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville
We are most definitely in the latter part of the quote….
And electing another compulsive liar isn’t going to hep the situation.
Happy Two Shoes over 8 years ago
We can blow up anyone we want cause god is on our side.God wants the mideast nuked, just ask the Orange Evil.
ForALaugh Premium Member over 8 years ago
Hillary was trying to win over some of Trump’s storm trumpers
richdell over 8 years ago
Adam looks plumb tuckered out.
vorpal7 over 8 years ago
Ted.. This is a free country… You are free to go to Hell or Canada for that matter :)