Man: Says here the new X-men movie will be a buddy comedy set inside Professor X's brainwave amplifier! Woman: Finally, a cerebromance!
Niche marketing for sapiosexual sci fi fans.
Aw….. it’s his only chance to fly around for a few days.
But…. sigh…… you’re probably right.
So if you insist…….
Portmanteau portmanteau!
Keep at it. It will get funny. Just don’t give up your day job.
Dan Thompson
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 8 years ago
Niche marketing for sapiosexual sci fi fans.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 8 years ago
Aw….. it’s his only chance to fly around for a few days.
But…. sigh…… you’re probably right.
So if you insist…….
stepham over 8 years ago
Portmanteau portmanteau!
Teto85 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Keep at it. It will get funny. Just don’t give up your day job.