Jane's World by Paige Braddock for November 08, 2016

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    RVLDeJung Premium Member over 8 years ago


    noun: polyester

    A synthetic resin in which the polymer units are linked by ester groups, used chiefly to make synthetic textile fibres, or a fabric made from polyester fibre. [Google]

    Woke up with a cold and haven’t been able to find either my originality or my razor-sharp wit and repartee yet. Sorry!

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    Flash Gordon  over 8 years ago

    Two chemists had a daughter together.

    They named her Polly Esther.

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    ForeverAllstar  over 8 years ago

    Honey badger don’t give a sh@# give Honey Badger some Rocky Road

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    Bruce1253  over 8 years ago

    @Flash Gordon:-) Great way to start the day here in San Diego

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 8 years ago

    Wikipedia:A young male honey badger named Bunga is one of the main characters in the 2015 Disney Junior series The Lion Guard.


    The AAC Honey Badger is a .30 calibre personal defence weapon (PDW) from Advanced Armament Corporation, chambered for the 300 AAC Blackout (7.62×35mm) cartridge.

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