Interesting to see how many of the haters from the ranks of the politicians, comedians, Hollywood celebrities and other entertainers and national figures who were so vocally behind HC and so adamantly against DT will now start back-pedaling and claim they were voting for DT all along. It’s gonna be fun to watch.
Argythree about 8 years ago
And some days are unspeakable
Just Me about 8 years ago
Interesting to see how many of the haters from the ranks of the politicians, comedians, Hollywood celebrities and other entertainers and national figures who were so vocally behind HC and so adamantly against DT will now start back-pedaling and claim they were voting for DT all along. It’s gonna be fun to watch.
Bill The Nuke about 8 years ago
The Canadian Immigration website crashed last night. A coincidence?
Peter Gordon about 8 years ago
Don’t let the door hit you in the behind on your way out Katy Perry.
brklnbern about 8 years ago
Yes, good election results.