A vampire bat drinks more than its own weight in blood every night! The white millipedes of California has 750 legs- more than any other creature on earth. No sausage for you! The Roman Emperor Constantine (272-337 A.D.) once banned sausages.
Bilan about 8 years ago
Did the sausage ban have anything to do with his campaign against paganism?
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
how many legs does a regular, not-white millipede have?
therese_callahan2002 about 8 years ago
You sure they’re not talking about Dracula?
tom_wright about 8 years ago
Long as the SOB didn’t ban bacon!
How would you like to buy back-to-school shoes for that millipede?
Iceman47 about 8 years ago
I have to agree with you, but, it is understandable when you consider that most people think that the symbol was created by Hitler and the National Socialists.
fuzzbucket Premium Member about 8 years ago
Waste meat stuffed in a piece of gut? Why ban that?
Stephen Gilberg about 8 years ago
But still not 1,000 legs.
Dang, vampire bats must do a lot of peeing.
Lawrence Cohen about 8 years ago
Maybe emperor Constantine saw the sausages being made.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Vampire bats don’t drink blood, they make a painless slice with their razor sharp teeth then lap it up with their tongues.The millipede is white if it lives in a cave.