Pluggers by Rick McKee for December 12, 2016

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 8 years ago

    Kind of reminds me of a soccer uniform my older brother had when he was kidā€¦ wore it on occasion for about 20 years until he burned it rather than giving it to a donation retail store or throwing it in the trash. He wrote a Blog Spot blog about it.

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  2. Don martin 1
    Farside99  about 8 years ago

    Toss them out??? I could use those while Iā€™m painting or working on the car!

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  3. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...ā„¢  about 8 years ago

    I make cut offs

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    Phred Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I agree, donā€™t toss them yet. Plenty of new uses.

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  5. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  about 8 years ago

    What!? Not enough left for ā€˜patchesā€™?

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    neverenoughgold  about 8 years ago

    I donate them to Goodwill long before this happensā€¦

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    LuvThemPluggers  about 8 years ago

    I donā€™t know if itā€™s still going on, but they were selling ā€œdistressedā€ jeans (aka trashed) for a huge price. I never understood it.

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