When I was in high school I knew this Taiwanese girl who was an unbelievable genius; she wasn’t just valedictorian, she had incredible talent for pretty much everything she did. She ended up going to medical school at Stanford. And I remember finding out back in high school that her Chinese name basically means “not a boy” in English. Just so unbelievably sad; she’s such an incredible person and yet to her parents her identity was pretty much summed up as not being a boy.
Teto85 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Last panel is correct. The father, actually his sperm, have the control of the situation insofar as sex determination of the embryo.
Saucy1121 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Hate to break this to you, Dad, but you’re the one who determines if it’s a boy or a girl.
JLG Premium Member about 8 years ago
This anti-girl cultural mindset is always something that’s filled me with a mixture of revulsion and sadness.
tegm about 8 years ago
When I was in high school I knew this Taiwanese girl who was an unbelievable genius; she wasn’t just valedictorian, she had incredible talent for pretty much everything she did. She ended up going to medical school at Stanford. And I remember finding out back in high school that her Chinese name basically means “not a boy” in English. Just so unbelievably sad; she’s such an incredible person and yet to her parents her identity was pretty much summed up as not being a boy.