Gaturro by NIK for January 03, 2017

  1. My boys
    woodworker318  about 8 years ago

    PHANTOM: P. really knows how to make an entrance. Plus all that they have been drinking enhances the affect.

    REX MORGAN: So she doesn’t remember her artistic phase.

    MARK TRAIL: What a sick ending. No one is interviewing them about what happened to the island.


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  2. Florchi 2
    florchi  about 8 years ago

    GATURRO: I think I need a little help on this one, but it seems like everyone loves G. (or thinks he’s “the best”)…..except Agatha. Is Gordo really saying, "I love you, little cat, you can have all my armchairs " ???

    MARK TRAIL: Whoa…where is Cherry!?

    MARY WORTH: Whoa…where is Wilbur!?

    MANDRAKE: How is M. going to bring back an image of the two men at the gate that Narda glimpsed only for a second?

    PHANTOM: P. means business. I think he’s about to rescue Ms. Ogutu,,,some “myth”!

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  3. Rick
    davidf42  about 8 years ago

    Annie – Three days without Annie! I think I’m starting to have withdrawal pangs! Please tell me Annie hasn’t been canceled again!

    Gaturro – I think the gist of it is that Gaturro made a perfect grade and everyone is congratulating him except for Agatha. Then he wakes up and says, “Not even in my dreams” something.

    Mark Trail – Uh, oh! Cherry ain’t gonna like it!

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  4. Th
    marvee  about 8 years ago

    Gaturro – Is all the first part a dream?

    Rex Morgan – That she wanted to decorate her cask would indicate that her artistic interest is still there, but maybe no expertise. Now that she’s more like a normal kid, will the commenters at CK stop hating her?Judge Parker – Sophie must still be staying in her room, and Sam is still in a funk. I would think Neddie would have to deal with some lawsuits.Mark Trail – I will echo both woodworker and Florchi.Phantom – He doesn’t usually use guns. I guess it’s just for effect, and very effective.

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  5. Pesky
    Teh Premium Member about 8 years ago

    MANDRAKE: the magician has been able to “project” a person’s memory so all can see. Will her brief glimpse be enough to reveal Mandrake’s brothers?

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  6. Pesky
    Teh Premium Member about 8 years ago

    MW: the look on Iris’s face foreshadows the “it’s not you, it’s me” talk. I’m rooting for Zak but he needs to slow down.

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