Prickly City by Scott Stantis for December 27, 2016

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    railwayman001  about 8 years ago

    The only people I know of looking forward to this coming year are my idiot cousin and his dysfunctional family, my ex-Sunday School teacher, and the father of my Dad’s niece who voted for her former boss in the State Department, all of whom are Trump-Humpers. Me and my parents are not.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Any day now, a blood red sky and Four Horsemen will show up.

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  3. Doc and fifi
    BWR  about 8 years ago

    I will celebrate the departure of Obama from the White House. I pray that Trump will nominate Justices who respect the Constitution- a nice change from what the last 8 years has given us.

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    jbmlaw01  about 8 years ago

    President Obama is personally responsible for the decline of economic freedom in the US and “leading from behind” foreseeably led to dysfunction world-wide. Good riddance to the worst president since Wilson. Everything in the world is worse than it was when Obama took office.

    The bar for President Trump has been set so low that he will have a hard time failing to look good by comparison.

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    peabodyboy  about 8 years ago

    Donnie is King Midas’ idiot brother. Everything he touches turns to $%!#. So we need to fasten our seatbelts. Bumpy ride ahead.

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    Mark Tretter  about 8 years ago

    Couldn’t be any worse than the last eight years.

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