I don’t think the majority of us is gonna like this coming year, but then again that’s life. We never liked the past eight years, and we’ll probably like the next four years even less.
Life’s a bummer, and then you die. Keep a happy face on your head, and resolve to enjoy life. Talkin’ politics is a downer! Don’t NEVER DOOOOOOOOOOOO that.
Life is just like a fruitcake. When you look at it, it’s rich and sweet with honey and sugar and spice, tastes delicious, makes your mouth water and everything. But if you look at it real close, there’s these weird little green things in it and all that and you don’t know what it is.
Darsan54 Premium Member about 8 years ago
See Mona in the strip “C’est la vie” for enlightenment.
railwayman001 about 8 years ago
I don’t think the majority of us is gonna like this coming year, but then again that’s life. We never liked the past eight years, and we’ll probably like the next four years even less.
TossedSaladCartoon about 8 years ago
Life is what you make of it.
BWR about 8 years ago
If I could opt out of Social Security, I would in a heart beat. If I don’t have anything to retire on in 20 years, that’s MY problem, not yours.
Al Nala about 8 years ago
Life’s a bummer, and then you die. Keep a happy face on your head, and resolve to enjoy life. Talkin’ politics is a downer! Don’t NEVER DOOOOOOOOOOOO that.
peabodyboy about 8 years ago
Life is just like a fruitcake. When you look at it, it’s rich and sweet with honey and sugar and spice, tastes delicious, makes your mouth water and everything. But if you look at it real close, there’s these weird little green things in it and all that and you don’t know what it is.
—Roseanne Roseannadanna, aka Gilda Radner