Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 27, 1971

  1. Missing large
    Mike31g  over 13 years ago

    Neither did I!I don’t remember her in the Jan 2011 series showing Daisy’s funeral (their mother),

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  2. Cropped kate
    suzannetangerine  almost 13 years ago

    This sister must be a very short narrative dead-end, a once-off character. She’s not in any of the collections—it’s the first I’ve seen of her. Not much later than this, Mike’s family of origin is established as being his mother Daisy and his idealistic, studious younger brother Benji, who wants to be a doctor. (Benji later decides to call himself “Sal” (“Sal Putrid”, like “Sid Vicious”), a cynical, apathetic punk who eventually sells condoms for Dr. Whoopie. When he re-enters the strip, much later, at Daisy’s funeral, he seems to be going by ‘Benji’ again.)

    Incidentally, B.D. also seems to have a once-off sister (the one his teammates joke about in an earlier strip, who they think he was on a date with.) I’m pretty sure she never appears again, and she’s definitely not at B.D.’s wedding or with him at the hospital after his leg gets blown off, a very serious set of strips that plays up important relationships (He introduces Boopsie as his “strong right hand” in one of those strips).

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