I am a male and several times I have been called “mam” which isn’t inspiring. Then I figured out some women dress similar to what I do and they can minimize their feminine characteristics. So accidentally I fell into it. Once I made that mistake to to someone else.
Flash Gordon about 8 years ago
With all the junk food that she devours, I’m surprised that she is thin and healthy. Cheese puffs, donuts and coffee have no food value.
Stanwal2 about 8 years ago
You do remember that it is a comic? It has no food value! The little dog looks our wenie dog.
fuzzbucket Premium Member about 8 years ago
Did that characteristic help determine your orientation?
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Never knew Jane was butch.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
I am a male and several times I have been called “mam” which isn’t inspiring. Then I figured out some women dress similar to what I do and they can minimize their feminine characteristics. So accidentally I fell into it. Once I made that mistake to to someone else.