Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 31, 1972
Mike: Need any more hel pon your term paper? B.D.: No, thanks. I'm not going to finish it. I decided last night to drop out of school and go to Vietnam. Mike: What?... B.D.: I'm talking to my R.O.T.C. officer today. If I'm accepted, I won't have to finish my term paper! It's something I've been planning to do for a long time, anyway!...With any this time next week, while the rest of you guys are slaving away, I'l be winging my way to Vietnam! Mike: To get out of a term paper? B.D.: Pretty crafty, huh?
Squoop about 10 years ago
So ultimately, he lost his leg to get out of doing a term paper.
mourdac Premium Member almost 9 years ago
@squoop: he doesn’t lose his leg in Viet Nam, it’s when he re-enlists after 9/11 in Iraq or Afghanistan.
rickray777 almost 9 years ago
Well, I hate to tell you this; but life on the front lines is no picnic, either! Especially with the very-substantial risk that you might suddenly end up blind by tomorrow! Or minus an arm, or a leg; or even your life! Even the most dangerous public schools don’t carry that kind of risk!
learninglair1 over 7 years ago
iraq and this was responsible for his desicion because he knew about war and was more willing to go because he served before
Brel over 6 years ago
So sad