Just read all the comments, and nobody commented on how he was wrong about every color? I realize that there were comments about him being color blind, but usually someone explicitly points out the errors in comics.
Guess it’s up to me. Blue + Yellow = GreenRed + Yellow = OrangeRed + Blue = Purple
johnt204 about 8 years ago
I’ll bet that would make sense if this strip were in color.
Adiraiju about 8 years ago
The worst part is, Friday’s strip WAS in color!
neverenoughgold about 8 years ago
I’m color blind! All this time I thought the flower, a daisy, was yellow…
Who knew?
Kip W about 8 years ago
Flowers are white, with a black outline.
Old Man River about 8 years ago
Worlds first case of color blindness?
trekkermint about 8 years ago
Dahlias, cosmos, and orchids come in shades of brown.
alecfelinus over 2 years ago
Just read all the comments, and nobody commented on how he was wrong about every color? I realize that there were comments about him being color blind, but usually someone explicitly points out the errors in comics.
Guess it’s up to me. Blue + Yellow = GreenRed + Yellow = OrangeRed + Blue = Purple