“God” isn’t a name or a pronoun. Jehovah is a name, Shiva is a name, god isn’t. Start naming names people.
This is how many of them think. They have the right to take rights away from others is just as fair as “giving” rights to others they see as inferior bad not them.
Randy B Premium Member about 8 years ago
Ohh, myyyy! (In a George Takei voice.)
Ida No about 8 years ago
God: “And, not in a good way.”
Bubba_Boo Premium Member about 8 years ago
There’s a whole lot of truth in this strip.
Strung_Out_In_Heaven about 8 years ago
“Lizard People Suck says it … I believe it … that settles it.”
InquireWithin about 8 years ago
Ah but wait, which God wrote that book? The Corn God, or the other guy who has issues with mixed fabrics?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
“God” isn’t a name or a pronoun. Jehovah is a name, Shiva is a name, god isn’t. Start naming names people.
This is how many of them think. They have the right to take rights away from others is just as fair as “giving” rights to others they see as inferior bad not them.