For a month, now, the dryer in a local cafe has hasn’t worked. Last time there was no toilet paper, either. I mentioned the fact to be told, “Not my job, mate.”
Those things are the worst. According to an Australian study: “Used air dryers in washrooms are often contaminated and can emit bacteria in their air flow.”
pcolli over 7 years ago
For a month, now, the dryer in a local cafe has hasn’t worked. Last time there was no toilet paper, either. I mentioned the fact to be told, “Not my job, mate.”
derdave969 over 7 years ago
Graffiti on one at a rest stop on I80: press for a message from your congressman.
Plods with ...™ over 7 years ago
Those things are the worst. According to an Australian study: “Used air dryers in washrooms are often contaminated and can emit bacteria in their air flow.”
gopher gofer over 7 years ago
save electricity and go straight to step 3…
J Quest over 7 years ago
but when does on receive the bacon?