Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 13, 1980
Mark: Coming up: More readings from "Thy Neighbor's Wife." Today, Mr. Talese will be concentrating on the good parts. Due to an unprecedented audience response, "Profiles on Parade" is happy to welcome back netherworld specialist Gay Talese, who will be reading more excerpts from his best-selling treatise, "Thy Neighbor's Wife." When last we saw Gay Talese, he was conducting research at Sandstone, the famed California sexual playplen. Mr. Talese will pick up the story line from there. Talese: Thank you. "Talese was hunched over his typewriter, oblivious to all but his need to tell the greatest story of his times, when Barbara came up behind him and started massaging his neck. Talese turned and reached out for his neighbor's wife. Casting convention to the wind they quickly engaged in a non-judgmental rejection of middle-class values. Afterwards, Talese was philosophical. If only other women could learn to be aggressive, he reasoned. If only other women could learn to enjoy empty, joyless sex. What a far better world it would be for all of mankind. Or at least for Talese. Talese had to be honest about it." Mark: Well said, Talese!
clairmarie about 4 years ago
Gay Talese is the a$$hat who defended Kevin Spacey saying that he hated Anthony Rabb for ruining Spacey’s career.