Man in purple: I was going to backpack across Europe to figure out who I am, but it turns out I'm just a guy who likes buying outdoor gear.
R.E.I. isn’t Recreational Equipment Incorporated, but rather Really Extremely Insane.
The second thing sounds cheaper!
Kind of making me ashamed of my crafts cabinet…
Guess he is “over the hill?” ;-) ;-)
November 07, 2013
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
R.E.I. isn’t Recreational Equipment Incorporated, but rather Really Extremely Insane.
I AM CARTOON LADY! about 8 years ago
The second thing sounds cheaper!
magicwalnut about 8 years ago
Kind of making me ashamed of my crafts cabinet…
Unpunnyable about 8 years ago
Guess he is “over the hill?” ;-) ;-)