Last Kiss by John Lustig for January 25, 2017

  1. 13.2.6lustigavator
    John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator about 8 years ago

    Here’s the link to the original art and text. Big kudus to my pal Allen Freeman to adding to much to the art when he colored it:

    Copy and paste or highlight the link and right click to go to the page. Thanks!
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    warjoski Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Wait so if he only sometimes doesn’t deserve her, and he’s only right sometimes, than that would mean that he sometimes is correct about deserving her, sometimes incorrect about deserving her, sometimes correct about not deserving her, and sometimes incorrect about not deserving her. So basically he has a 50/50 chance of being right. That is why too high a percentage for most relationships. Usually the man only has a 10 percent chance about being right. And then only about certain topics like car repair and whether to tell the truth when asked ‘does this article of clothing make me look fat?’

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    swadeparker Premium Member about 8 years ago

    You got lucky when I found you.

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