With most cats, the mouse lure isn’t needed. Just open box and wait. (With packing tape hidden behind your back.) (No, not that I would suggest packing cats in boxes, but if you try this, be sure you’ve bought enough bandages for yourself after the cat emerges.) (Oh, and extra blood, too. In your blood type, not the cat’s!)
!!ǝlɐ⅁ almost 8 years ago
With most cats, the mouse lure isn’t needed. Just open box and wait. (With packing tape hidden behind your back.) (No, not that I would suggest packing cats in boxes, but if you try this, be sure you’ve bought enough bandages for yourself after the cat emerges.) (Oh, and extra blood, too. In your blood type, not the cat’s!)
CeeJay almost 8 years ago
The “box trap” works every time!
Asriel over 2 years ago
This is actually so true.