Of course everyone is entitled to their own facts, you just pick and choose the ones you need. Don’t you ever watch news on the TV or read a newspaper?
Of course it’s not JUST Trump. It’s the Republicans AND Democrats. It’s newspapers and television. Right-wing AND Left-wing. Men AND women. White AND black. It’s you. It’s me. Don’t pretend like cherry-picking is something only a select few are guilty of.
Carl Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Of course everyone is entitled to their own facts, you just pick and choose the ones you need. Don’t you ever watch news on the TV or read a newspaper?
dmk57 almost 8 years ago
If you only get your news from the internet then there are even more filters picking your news for you.
TossedSaladCartoon almost 8 years ago
Of course it’s not JUST Trump. It’s the Republicans AND Democrats. It’s newspapers and television. Right-wing AND Left-wing. Men AND women. White AND black. It’s you. It’s me. Don’t pretend like cherry-picking is something only a select few are guilty of.
Kirk McCoy almost 8 years ago
Mark Twain quote for you;“It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 8 years ago
The who ID change was to get at the poor and minorities who vote Democrats. NO other reason.
More or Less Premium Member almost 8 years ago
nother once good strip ruined by lib hissy fits. bye.