Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 26, 1982
Zonker: Anyone seen my mouthwash? Mike: More job interviews today, Z? Zonker: Yeah. Got a resume I could borrow? Mike: So how did the job interviews go this week, Zonk? Zonker: Not so good, Mike. I can't seem to find a corporation that's really me. Are those new company brochures? Mike: Yeah, help yourself. Zonker: Hmm...united technologies...this looks interesting..."Get on the fast track. If you're accepted into our executive training program you'll be on your way to a career of handsome salaries, fast promotions, generous vacations, and excellent fringe benefits." Boy, this sounds great! "If you're a dynamic aggressive, disciplined, self-starting go-getter in teh mold of Alexand Haig, then united technologies is the place for you." Alexander Haig? Mike: Don't give up. You'll find something. Zonker: Maybe I should just open up a little head shop in Nantucket.
Harlen Premium Member 2 months ago