Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for March 04, 2017

  1. Missing large
    Randallw  about 8 years ago

    He really works on your nerves.

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  2. Missing large
    jackhs  about 8 years ago

    I wouldn’t want my senseful beat either.

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  3. 20071112 einstein
    hariseldon59  about 8 years ago

    I’m guessing that Bucky has been declawed. Otherwise he could be inflicting some serious pain on Satchel.

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  4. Jem character raya large 570x420
    cubswin2016  about 8 years ago

    So Bucky is good for something after all.

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  5. Isle of the blue
    ericbutts74  about 8 years ago

    Declawed cats are touchy about boundaries and defensive. Yes, aside from the lack of blood trickling down Satchel’s back, obviously Bucky has been declawed. Inhumane way to treat a “beloved” pet. Imagine some animal capturing you for entertainment (gotta admit, Bucky is pretty entertaining!) and cutting off your fingers and toes because it didn’t want you to punch or kick. You suffer infection, limp, loss of appetite. I used to hold Bucky in derision, now I feel his pain. Too bad he can’t inflict any.

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