I’ve been in situations where that would’ve actually been useful! You know those arguments where they said they told you this but you remember them telling you that.
A tongue-in-cheek allusion that selfie sticks in conjunction with today’s smart phones are becoming a well-known method used to record in-person interactions. These recordings are often saved/shared on storage/social media sights (e.g. Google Drive, Facebook). Ironically, these sights may become their primary means of socializing. This unwitting dependency is also alluded to in this comic just two days hence.
Templo S.U.D. almost 8 years ago
Then upon what did he agree?
Superfrog almost 8 years ago
It’ll probably be used for training purposes.
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member almost 8 years ago
I’ve been in situations where that would’ve actually been useful! You know those arguments where they said they told you this but you remember them telling you that.
nosirrom almost 8 years ago
And could you ask Keith Hernandez to stay out of the bedroom.
Andrew Sleeth almost 8 years ago
That’s an FCC violation.
Unpunnyable almost 8 years ago
testing testing! Is this thing on???
Che Guerva almost 8 years ago
A tongue-in-cheek allusion that selfie sticks in conjunction with today’s smart phones are becoming a well-known method used to record in-person interactions. These recordings are often saved/shared on storage/social media sights (e.g. Google Drive, Facebook). Ironically, these sights may become their primary means of socializing. This unwitting dependency is also alluded to in this comic just two days hence.