Red: Rover. sit. Rover, lie down. Rover, sit back up. Rover: And so concludes his refresher course in obedience handling, which he aced yet again.
All that for a choco-bone
Milky Bones make everything better!
Lust so he dosen’t forget that milky-bone at the end.
Good work, Rover. You have your boy well trained.
You tell ’ um smart puppy!!
November 20, 2013
Professor W about 8 years ago
All that for a choco-bone
Catfeet Premium Member about 8 years ago
Milky Bones make everything better!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 8 years ago
Lust so he dosen’t forget that milky-bone at the end.
tom about 8 years ago
Good work, Rover. You have your boy well trained.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member about 8 years ago
You tell ’ um smart puppy!!