Thatababy: If you have an exoskeleton, your skeleton is on the outside... Like a beetle!! If you have an endoskeleton, your skeleton is on the inside... Like a couch!!
When I was a kid, my parents had a couch in the basement that was solid foam, the seat cushion unfolded into a “bed” ie a flat floor cushion. It was awesome.But it’d be more invertebrate.
Templo S.U.D. almost 8 years ago
time to get a new couch (parents better not blame the cat on this one)
bluegirl285 almost 8 years ago
Must be a mighty strong baby to rip open a couch like that.
Nate England almost 8 years ago
Cat’s up there thinking “I am so proud of you!”
water_moon almost 8 years ago
When I was a kid, my parents had a couch in the basement that was solid foam, the seat cushion unfolded into a “bed” ie a flat floor cushion. It was awesome.But it’d be more invertebrate.
Loaf The Bird almost 3 years ago
An ENDO skeleton? Foxy has a endo.