The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for March 11, 2017

  1. Black lion
    PICTO  about 8 years ago

    Let them spend the night in the snow…that’ll fix them.

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  2. Img 0179
    Teddy Boy  about 8 years ago

    You mean the Chamber of Horror’s Convention….

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  3. Blk cat
    Helen Ferrieux  about 8 years ago

    Brrrr…..cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey.

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  4. Cartooninglady
    I AM CARTOON LADY!  about 8 years ago

    Should have stopped while you were ahead, chief!

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  5. Fishbulb
    fishbulb239  about 8 years ago

    Yes, a dog or cat’s aversion to spaying or neutering is a comic staple. But that doesn’t take away from the practice’s importance, given that millions of unwanted cats and dogs are euthanized every year. Making a joke about it is akin to voting for a deplorable candidate for erroneous reasons. One vote is unlikely to sway an election, but if thousands of people take similar action, it could change the election’s outcome. Likewise, this one joke isn’t likely to convince anybody not to spay or neuter their pet, but it does add to the pile of “evidence” that dogs and cats hate being fixed and that it is cruel. Too many people feel that it is wrong to spay or neuter a pet; why add fuel to that fire?

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  6. Img 0179
    Teddy Boy  about 8 years ago

    @ Fishbulb….it’s a cartoon… can bet that everyone who puts in their witty banter, is a responsible pet owner who believes in spay and neutering….it’s all in good fun and everyone that puts in a comment understands that. If people are negatively swayed by cartoon humour, then they shouldn’t be a pet owner and they shouldn’t read this comic strip. Let’s just enjoy the interaction.

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  7. Missing large
    jmworacle  almost 8 years ago

    Ah HAH!

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