Robins don’t migrate, but gather in massive flocks in the deep woods. On nice mild winter days, they can sometimes be seen around their summer feeding areas looking for food. One New Years Day I had hundreds of them in my back yard which is next to a large forested hill.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 8 years ago
Where you go, Faceook is alway with you. Sorry if that sounds like a shameful commercial plug.
SheMc almost 8 years ago
I can complain without FB!!!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Im posting this one to my Facebook.
Germanshepherds4ever almost 8 years ago
Where was this “long and rough winter”?
daleandkristen almost 8 years ago
That ain’t no robin!!!!
pbuckland Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Robins don’t migrate, but gather in massive flocks in the deep woods. On nice mild winter days, they can sometimes be seen around their summer feeding areas looking for food. One New Years Day I had hundreds of them in my back yard which is next to a large forested hill.