Where there’s smoke, there’s…something that Rodney has accidentally burned down.
“D-A-R-N S-H-O-U-L-D-N-O-T-H-A-V-E-S-M-O-K-E-D-O-N-M-Y-B-L-A-N-K-E-T!”
Thought he wanted Geronimo to come and lead the troops.
Parker and Hart
Mastroianni and Hart
Chithing over 7 years ago
Where there’s smoke, there’s…something that Rodney has accidentally burned down.
Godfreydaniel over 7 years ago
“D-A-R-N S-H-O-U-L-D-N-O-T-H-A-V-E-S-M-O-K-E-D-O-N-M-Y-B-L-A-N-K-E-T!”
Godfreydaniel over 7 years ago
“D-A-R-N S-H-O-U-L-D-N-O-T-H-A-V-E-S-M-O-K-E-D-O-N-M-Y-B-L-A-N-K-E-T!”
brklnbern over 7 years ago
Thought he wanted Geronimo to come and lead the troops.