I can guess the punchline to tomorrow’s joke… I’ll bet this strip is ticking off a few right-wingers!
Somehow, Dale, I don’t really think Corey is that predictable. Personally, I think his daughter might be Drusilla. (see “Pibgorn”, below…)
or you could be called Ysabell and we all know who´s daughter SHE is.
Corey Pandolph
Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise
April 22, 2016
MaryWorth Premium Member over 16 years ago
I can guess the punchline to tomorrow’s joke… I’ll bet this strip is ticking off a few right-wingers!
ChiehHsia over 16 years ago
Somehow, Dale, I don’t really think Corey is that predictable. Personally, I think his daughter might be Drusilla. (see “Pibgorn”, below…)
Prey 6 days ago
or you could be called Ysabell and we all know who´s daughter SHE is.