Barkeater Lake by Corey Pandolph for August 28, 2008

  1. Missing large
    Nugget0 Premium Member over 16 years ago

    why can’t I get Barkeater Lake to show up in my comic page on a daily basis? why do I always have to go back to read the prior 3 days rather than have it in my flow like most of the other comics?

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  2. River tamm 2
    ozzimandius  over 16 years ago

    well I beleive that it is only updated 2 or 3 times a week, even though when it is updated it comes out to being the full 6 or 7 days worth. Thats just a guess mind you.

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  3. Pontricpic
    corey creator over 16 years ago

    Nugget, It’s my fault. Sometimes I get behind on the comic and I post a whole bunch at once. Hopefully this will be the last week of that. I’m on my way to being ahead. Thanks for reading,


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  4. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    Corey’s got a lot on his plate - this, Elderberries and TOBY.

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