Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 05, 1992
Alice: Well guess it's time to go to work. Excuse me, sir...Excuse me, sir. Any spare change? Man: Oh, no, not again...Listen, I've already given panhandlers nearly five dollars today. When are you people going to start establishing some guidelines? I don't know how much to give or how often. Do I have to give twice if I pass you to and from work? And if I don't have change, do I give a bill? Also, am I subsidizing alcoholism? Or am I helping someone to survive? Alice: All good questions, ducks. To answer your first one, the suggested donation is still only 25 cents. A very good value, considering inflation. However, if you'd like to avoide the daily hassle, I could sell you a season subscription for $25. With a subscription, you won't have to avert your eyes for up to four full months! Man: Say! That's a great deal! I'll take it! Alice: You won't be sorry, sir... Here's your lapel button. Man: Give me two. One for my wife.
walde 6 months ago
Rerun of July 10th 1988