The poor poppers don’t know what they’re in for :( The hot sauce: You’re POPPIN! Great pun, the best thing I see that people actually say that at my school XD
Now I’m hungry for popcorn—my favorite snack. It’s great with candy corn or M&Ms, tastes like a popcorn ball without the work. I pop my own on the stove. YUM!
Ida No almost 8 years ago
Melissa: “Hi popcorn. Since this is our first meeting, I’d just like to say ‘Live long and popser.’”
Colliedog13 almost 8 years ago
The poor poppers don’t know what they’re in for :( The hot sauce: You’re POPPIN! Great pun, the best thing I see that people actually say that at my school XD
katina.cooper almost 8 years ago
Popcorns are going on a magical journey. And, they will get their reward by making you gain 50 pounds after eating them.
Neo Stryder almost 8 years ago
Don’t you want to know, little fellas, you don’t want to know.
SHAKENDOWN almost 8 years ago
You could mix these with pies, & have (pop)corn on the (peach) "cob"bler.
Plods with ...™ almost 8 years ago
Most people don’t know the answer to the question…. ‘What expands 30- 35 times it’s original size when heated?’
Gotten alot of free beer with that one. Even if it’s sitting in a bowl in front of them.
zippykatz almost 8 years ago
Now I’m hungry for popcorn—my favorite snack. It’s great with candy corn or M&Ms, tastes like a popcorn ball without the work. I pop my own on the stove. YUM!