This seems to be the natural world’s equivalent of the fast food apps that let you order and pay in advance so you can run in and grab your food without waiting on line. The white rabbit is the next order up. He’s also apparently blind as a bat.
We have a rabbit(wild) that showed up one day while we were outside. The squirrels gave the pedator warning, and they were gone, but the rabbit just hopped over to us and stayed still. I looked up and there was a Red Shouldered Hawk buzzing through the trees., it lit on a branch and stared at the rabbit and and then looked at us. It finally decided we weren’t leaving so he did.
Since that day (almost 2 years now) “Bunny” comes and visits with us if we are out in the yard. We’ll give it carrots and bird seed, but don’t try to touch it, nor make it a pet. Though it will sometimes eat peanuts out of our hand.
Superfrog almost 8 years ago
It’s not Superman.
Phred Premium Member almost 8 years ago
robolt almost 8 years ago
Hare today…
Plods with ...™ almost 8 years ago
Shoulda yelled DUCK!
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 8 years ago
paullp Premium Member almost 8 years ago
This seems to be the natural world’s equivalent of the fast food apps that let you order and pay in advance so you can run in and grab your food without waiting on line. The white rabbit is the next order up. He’s also apparently blind as a bat.
Farside99 almost 8 years ago
Looks like it was just a plain old bird…with an appetite for hasenpfeffer.
whiteheron almost 8 years ago
We have a rabbit(wild) that showed up one day while we were outside. The squirrels gave the pedator warning, and they were gone, but the rabbit just hopped over to us and stayed still. I looked up and there was a Red Shouldered Hawk buzzing through the trees., it lit on a branch and stared at the rabbit and and then looked at us. It finally decided we weren’t leaving so he did.
Since that day (almost 2 years now) “Bunny” comes and visits with us if we are out in the yard. We’ll give it carrots and bird seed, but don’t try to touch it, nor make it a pet. Though it will sometimes eat peanuts out of our hand.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 8 years ago
No, NO, NO!
Not the BUNNY!