Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 12, 2009
Roland: This is Roland Hedley in the Oval Office, where I'm joining George W. Bush on the final leg of his legacy tour! Next week, the President will be returning to his beloved "ranch" in Crawford... Bush: Crawford? Please. I'm moving to Dallas. Roland: Dallas. Where he'll be firing up his new think tank! Bush: Belief tank. Roland: Oh... really? All the thinking is squared away?
wndrwrthg about 16 years ago
Unfortunately, little georgies beliefs have no bases in reality.
wcorvi about 16 years ago
Maybe Jeb-boy will do a better job. He’s the next curse our country must evidently suffer. Sarah or Jeb.
lippyfish about 16 years ago
You mean Sarah was just a ploy to make Jeb palatable? I feel so used…
DesultoryPhillipic about 16 years ago
The next curse will soon take office. Who’s to say what will befall us then? We can only pray that his policies are better than Bush’s when it comes to the economy.
Brainiak about 16 years ago
Dang..I was counting on Amy Carter as the first Woman Prez…..
foxglove16 about 16 years ago
desultoryPhil, do you just hate everyone in politics or are you one of those a**holes that sent viral internet smears against Obama?
3Xp4t about 16 years ago
In the context of this particular strip, ‘belief tank’ is hysterically accurate. Daddy’s miserable disgrace is stumbling out of office with a turdblossom crown. the ‘thinking’ portion of the Big Dick and monkey puppet show was shelved back about February 2001; everything since then has been “from-the-gut” to prove to the great unwashed flocks of koolaid-soaked sheeple that cocaine-boy wasn’t one of them thar over-thinkin’ elitists. No sir-ee. One of the many questions I dearly wanted the Crawford sock-puppet to answer in a live press conference was: “How many times did you operate military equipment whole under the influence of cocaine.” Sadly, the traitors pilosi & reed legitimized breach of international treaty, torture and plundering as American Weapons of State. Letting this disgrace walk out of the White House without shiny steel bracelets and without having been impeached before extraordinarily rendered to the Hague is a shame that can NEVER be washed from human history. A bright crimson stain of the blood of millions slaughtered for profit.
longtimecomicsfan about 16 years ago
DesultoryPhillipic says:
“…We can only pray that his policies are better than Bush’s when it comes to the economy.”
DP, this is truly a breakthrough - are you actually saying that W’s economic policies were bad? I’m so proud of you! (wipes away a tear)
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 16 years ago
Come on, 3Xp4t, don’t hold back. Tell us how you really feel!