Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 14, 2009
Roland: Mr. President, you've said that your only regret is the poor intelligence you received about WMD's in Iraq... but since you've also claimed you would have invaded anyway, why do you regret that the intelligence was poor? Bush: Why do I regret it? Because my integrities! Roland: Which ones, sir? Bush: Compedance! Accountancy! The pie you put on moms that love freedom! Roland: Wow. I guess that says it all.
wndrwrthg about 16 years ago
Unfortunately it does.
margueritem about 16 years ago
Anysia about 16 years ago
LOL! Bush couldn’t have said it better!
Hugh B. Hayve about 16 years ago
Good thing it didn’t go nucular.
DesultoryPhillipic about 16 years ago
humormehere about 16 years ago
I had a physics teacher in college that pronounced it nuc-u-lar. Never gave it a second thought. W has had problems, but the nuclear thing isn’t one of them.
stpatme about 16 years ago
Anysia says:
“LOL! Bush couldn’t have said it better!”
That, ultimately is the tragedy AND the horror of it all. This pathetic imbecile could have not put is any more coherently than that. And he, like Gov. Palin, is so pathetic as to not even know how big a joke he is. We get the last laugh in 6 days, 3 hours, 25 minutes….
ChiehHsia about 16 years ago
mmmm… pie.
wlstarn about 16 years ago
Sadly, with a final press conference such as that one, the humorists didn’t have to do much work for material.
txmystic about 16 years ago
He forgot “strategery”
ANandy about 16 years ago
Wow! I can’t wait until Trudeau gets on B.O. and what’s his name? Bidding “foot in mouth”? Wasn”t THAT a choice!
ronebofh about 16 years ago
I don’t think anyone claims that Trudeau is objective. I wouldn’t even say he’s fair. But he does make fun of all sides of the political jungle.
And if you don’t think GWB has deserved the huge majority of the mockery he’s gotten, maybe you’re the one who has an objectivity problem.
Llywus about 16 years ago
I couldn’t agree more, ronebofh.
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 16 years ago
stpatme… We get the last laugh?!?! This guy is going to relax somewhere and live off of our dime for the rest of his life! Last laugh? Not for us…
mojitobaby about 16 years ago
wuztwo, Gary’s busted on Clinton, Gore and anyone else who warranted it in the past. To hold off on Obama if he screws up because he’s also black - well, that WOULD be racist.