Dark Side of the Horse by Samson for September 27, 2010
Horace: Monday morning, 6 AM. My neighbor is already blowing his air horn. What an idiot. I used to dislike my neighbor. Then I decided to get to know him better. Now I hate him with venom. I will never forget the first time I met my neighbor. No matter how hard I try.
Hugh B. Hayve over 14 years ago
Try alcohol, works for me. I had to do a double take there, because I remember the middle strip, and realized Samuli is posting multiples from the archive. Thanks, now I can catch up on the ones I missed!
zero over 14 years ago
Neighbor to my left introduced himself by shining lawn mower headlights(!)into my bedroom window, while mowing at 9P. BTW his leaf blower sounds exactly like a dentist drill. He also owns guns. I have none of those items….
Alison84 over 14 years ago
Hate to say it, but Horace’s being a bit of a hypocrite. He *is* using his leaf blower and wearing headphones, so likely he’s making a bit of noise, too.
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Samson, I foresee a long and happy relation between us.
Now for the comments:
What Un American idiot would buy an imported leaf blower when there are unemployed teenagers to slave for you? Better for the economy, ecology, and most important, my nap.
shel4 over 14 years ago
I think maybe the horse and I live in the same neigh-borhood!
Simon_Jester over 14 years ago
His neighbor must be another stallion.
kaypax21 over 14 years ago
this comic is not funny, it is sad