When life gives you lemons…………….
Horace’s laptop is in the whirlpool of climate change -freezing and overheating same time.
From laptop to potpal.
Anyone remember those commercials for the McDLT?
“Keeps the hot side hot and the cold side cold!”
When in doubt, reboot…
July 31, 2015
Perkycat almost 8 years ago
When life gives you lemons…………….
BlueFin Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Horace’s laptop is in the whirlpool of climate change -freezing and overheating same time.
Stephen Gilberg almost 8 years ago
From laptop to potpal.
Sherlock Watson almost 8 years ago
Anyone remember those commercials for the McDLT?
“Keeps the hot side hot and the cold side cold!”
Argythree almost 8 years ago
When in doubt, reboot…