Hmm, a book about staying in a world of sinners vs. a heaven of self-righteous? Not sure which would be worse…I’ll take the less boring one!
Ha, and how did the sex addict get past HR screening?
If the “Left Behind” series had been written from a Moslem perspective instead of a Christian one, they would have been condemned for promoting religious violence and terrorism.
Hugh B. Hayve almost 16 years ago
And then the boobs come out?
3Xp4t almost 16 years ago
I think I will frame my written reprimand. With boobs.
rookie26201 almost 16 years ago
I am on the third book on the series…. so far, no boobs.
rayannina almost 16 years ago
Funniest part – scrolling below the cartoon and seeing the ad for “Meet 1000s of friendly Russian ladies” …
So that’s where the boobs are: Russia.
ChiehHsia almost 16 years ago
Actually, if I could get a written reprimand for coming up with a one-liner like that, I WOULD frame it. Especially if it was signed by the Bishop.
tabbylynn almost 16 years ago
so the boobs r not in rusia, trust me we just read a rusin book for class. i got to the third lbb book and lost it somewhears. nev fin
Radical-Knight almost 16 years ago
Yah! The boobs come out! SPARE!!
sneemaster almost 16 years ago
Hmm, a book about staying in a world of sinners vs. a heaven of self-righteous? Not sure which would be worse…I’ll take the less boring one! Ha, and how did the sex addict get past HR screening?
lazygrazer almost 16 years ago
I’m wondering who the boob was who dubbed those luscious things “boobs” in the first place.
“Succulent Protuberances” says it far better for me.
oneoldhat almost 16 years ago
boobs wrote this
OneWithTheUniverse almost 16 years ago
Can I post my reprimand on my cube?
No New Wars over 1 year ago
If the “Left Behind” series had been written from a Moslem perspective instead of a Christian one, they would have been condemned for promoting religious violence and terrorism.