Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 08, 2008

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    popsgone  over 16 years ago

    With no surprises here, A Lib all the way! Go Oā€™Biteme ā€˜08. LET THEM PUT THE BITE ON YOU.

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  2. New wtfpaint
    kat827618  over 16 years ago

    Good One!

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  3. Triscele
    txmystic  over 16 years ago


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    swolf48110  over 16 years ago

    on pointā€¦good one!

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  5. Shark avatar2 web
    mackado  over 16 years ago

    Of course, the Fact that ā€œThe Senatorā€ is paying 7 times more than all of us in properties taxes and therefore contributing that much more to local economies/Government (school systems, Libraries,Fire Dept, etc) and local communities He hardly visits escaped your collective enlightened intellectsā€¦

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  6. Milo1
    Handrew  over 16 years ago

    Wow Machado, I guess I should have more respect for the Senator then. It is a pretty awesome sacfrice on his part that he pays 7 times more than me in property taxes. What a guy!

    Oh, wait! The fact that heā€™s probably more than 7 times more wealthy than me enables him to pay that much in property taxes, doesnā€™t it? You know, wealth like that would probably put him out of touch with the common manā€¦

    Hey, I wonder if THATā€™S what GBT is getting at with this cartoon! Caught up yet, friend?

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  7. Ducttapeprincess021
    7.G.U.Y.7  over 16 years ago

    u know, i donā€™t like reading the comments on a political cartoon, they r more scary then funny

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    MikeBx  over 16 years ago

    If, of course, the properties are being taxed at the rates they would be if they were ā€œjust ordinary folkā€. In my area the wealthy buy five acre parcels, slap a monument to their wealth on it, then get it rezoned ā€œagrocultureā€ because they keep a pony out back.

    Of course, second, third, etc. homes are actually drains on the economy, as they represent capital assets that are not being used effeciently. I wouldnā€™t expect John McCain to understand that, of course; personal economics isnā€™t any more interesting than national economics.

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