Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 04, 2008
Voice from television: So will those jobs ever come back, Professor? Voice: No, they're gone forever. As technology changes, so does the world of work. Rick: This is disorienting. Joanie: What? Rick: The news has never been about me before. Joanie: Really? It's been about me for years.
margueritem over 16 years ago
I’m really feeling Rick’s pain.
OshkoshJohn over 16 years ago
I had Rick’s epiphany in 2003! It was tough at first, but now I enjoy watching the parade.
GonadTheBarbarian over 16 years ago
I had it today, reading this strip. I am one of the 160,000 new claims from September, 2008, but I was also part of the dot com bubble in the 90s.
cweirauch over 16 years ago
I think Rick needs to become press secretary for the Obama White House…he’d be great!
ronebofh over 16 years ago
Rick’s head would explode from having to lie on the podium every day.
ChiehHsia over 16 years ago
Appointing a cartoon strip character as White House press secretary would SO be a continuation of the Bush fantasy world. I agree, though, that the press secretary should actually come from a legit journalistic background for a change, just to see whether it would work.