Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 29, 2008

  1. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 16 years ago

    Poor B.D., he has heard the sirens call.

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    NoFearPup  over 16 years ago

    A good example of why I’m still a Republican, you know - (wink).

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    Hedg  over 16 years ago

and a good example of why I don’t pal around with religious fundamentalism.

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    NoFearPup  over 16 years ago

    Hedg, O-mi-gosh check out your family tree , I bet there’s plenty of zealots there - even a few “commie” ones.

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    DesultoryPhillipic  over 16 years ago

and a good example of why I think ignorance runs rampant in GT’s strips and comment postings, y’know (wink)

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    txmystic  over 16 years ago

    yes she can! yes she can!


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    NoFearPup  over 16 years ago

    Two things better than Doonesbury: a belch and a scratch (anywhere).

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    larry.hazelton Premium Member over 16 years ago

    So Trudeau spends his time attacking a VP candidate that lost the election. I’ll bet most people can’t name the losing VP candidate from the last 4 elections. What Trudeau’s behavior and the behavior of most of the left indicates is that they believe that Sarah has the potential to connect with people in a way that very politicians can and put the conservative right back in power. The left fears Sarah like they fear their mothers pointing a finger at them as saying that their morals or behavior is bad.

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    samclemens  over 16 years ago

    Lawrence, Desultory:

    You betcha!

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    cadgyod  over 16 years ago

    Lawrence, you’re absolutely correct. The thought that someone so unbdereducated and uninformed could just charm their way into the White House is terrifying.

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  11. Bucky
    ironflange  over 16 years ago

    Hey, B.D., is there anything interesting going on behind her?

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    bognor  over 16 years ago

    The idea that Sarah Palin is unbdereducated (sic) and uninformed is a media constuct. Example: we have only been shown about 2% of the Couric interview which was six hours over two days. Example: Letterman and Leno for two weeks before the election - negative Palin jokes -174. Negative Biden jokes -7.(Negative Obama jokes, comments, whatever: 0. Ever.)

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    laughaday  over 16 years ago

    The plethora of Palin jokes is neither intentional nor accidental, but simply unavoidable.

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    bubbie7  over 16 years ago

    garry t has only been writing this strip for what-30-40 years and won a pulitzer prize. he can’t be too smart. WINK

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    longtimecomicsfan  over 16 years ago

    Bognor: I just love the mantra - “What we believe happened is substantiated by the fact that it wasn’t on the video of the event!” (Ergo, there really were WMDs, which is supported by the fact that we couldn’t find them!)

    S.P. made bumbling responses to serious questions, and they were shown to us just as they would have been for any Presidential candidate.

    If Biden, Obama, or McCain had been unable to name a Supreme Court decision, we would have known immediately.

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  16. Bear
    1MadMan  over 16 years ago

    Well ‘righties’, I hope your ‘hockey mom’ does go for it next time cuz it will be a shoe-in for the left. We just had 8 years of ‘fundamentalist idiot-ology’ governing and look where it put us. Never again!

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  17. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  over 16 years ago

    Lawrence, Until now, no Vice Presidential candidate has refused to give up the spotlight after they LOST and acted as if they were the future of their party. BD is clearly insane if he thinks Caribou Barbie is the future of the Republican Party. If she is, the Democrats will have a lock on the White House for 40 years!!! We fear her like we fear a whoopee cushion, and we know that she is just as qualified to be President as one.

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  18. Beau close up
    mivins  over 16 years ago

    She’s a half-baked Alaskan.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 16 years ago

 and a good example of beating a dead horse. (Or is that elephant?)

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    ChiehHsia  over 16 years ago

    It’s a dead moose, dear.

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    DesultoryPhillipic  over 16 years ago

    longtimecomicsfan, try telling all the dead Kurds that there were no WMD’s

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