Repeated calls with different voices: “Is Larry there?” “There’s no Larry here.” (Gets progressively more irritable as the calls continue.)
After a while, the “punch line” comes in with a call, “This is Larry. Were there any messages for me?”
He is NOT good looking AND he is NOT funny.
Wait a minute, I just got it, “Prince Albert in a can”, hilarious!
And no those types of calls are automated, but with the “shhhh” part.
l agree with Bucky on the haircut.
Bucky is sort of on target. He is good and funny looking.
The telemarketers have put the pranksters out of business — just can’t compete in the annoying department!
I hate prank calls
AGED_ENGINEER Premium Member over 7 years ago
Repeated calls with different voices: “Is Larry there?” “There’s no Larry here.” (Gets progressively more irritable as the calls continue.)
After a while, the “punch line” comes in with a call, “This is Larry. Were there any messages for me?”
cubswin2016 over 7 years ago
He is NOT good looking AND he is NOT funny.
Ferret-Fever over 7 years ago
Wait a minute, I just got it, “Prince Albert in a can”, hilarious!
lance Premium Member over 7 years ago
And no those types of calls are automated, but with the “shhhh” part.
WoodEye over 7 years ago
l agree with Bucky on the haircut.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 7 years ago
Bucky is sort of on target. He is good and funny looking.
JP Steve Premium Member over 7 years ago
The telemarketers have put the pranksters out of business — just can’t compete in the annoying department!
WentHulk about 2 months ago
I hate prank calls