nice broken heart… (poor Judy…), she’s accepted Punch being an A**, but her body is still feeling the pain. So maybe it IS better w/ her head not having to deal w/ the pain… get herself a ‘Roomba’ vacuum thingy, get a ramp for the house, and get on w/ life!
Randy B Premium Member over 7 years ago
Picking up from the June 23 page.
SKJAM! Premium Member over 7 years ago
This may be an older strip, but that’s a modern-looking shrink.
Ida No over 7 years ago
So, to deal with a broken heart, your head just has to be in the right place, first.
Army_Nurse over 7 years ago
nice broken heart… (poor Judy…), she’s accepted Punch being an A**, but her body is still feeling the pain. So maybe it IS better w/ her head not having to deal w/ the pain… get herself a ‘Roomba’ vacuum thingy, get a ramp for the house, and get on w/ life!
Portista over 6 years ago
She could go on the talk show circuit… one more talking head.