Nate having a higher IQ than Ellen actually makes a lot of sense. All the pieces of schoolwork that we have seen from Ellen are products of hard work and studying. All the work we have seen from Nate is just lazily and sloppily made. He likely doesn’t put any effort into his work because he is bored at his school because he is not being challenged enough, another trait of academic giftedness. As for tests, again, he is bored, so he doesn’t want to study. His quality of work also explains this. Nate likely has a learning disability where the work he produces doesn’t look very nice. Learning disabilities also go hand-in-hand with academic giftedness.
Some other examples of different kinds of smartness: Reasoning, logic, skepticism, adaptability, wisdom, understanding, memory, independence, Perception, creativity, exploitation, knowledge, leadership, foresight, and teambuilding.
mahamedb123 over 7 years ago
ultrabot7436 over 7 years ago
There is the theory of multiple intelligence, also. Which one do you think Nate is? Visual? Kinesthetic?
Tue Elung-Jensen over 7 years ago
He may be the smartest, but doesn´t make him the wisest.
ericbutts74 over 7 years ago
Again, Emotional Quotient is vastly different from Intelligence Quotient, and some might say equally important. Nate’s EQ? exactly his age.
TreacherousToast over 7 years ago
Nate having a higher IQ than Ellen actually makes a lot of sense. All the pieces of schoolwork that we have seen from Ellen are products of hard work and studying. All the work we have seen from Nate is just lazily and sloppily made. He likely doesn’t put any effort into his work because he is bored at his school because he is not being challenged enough, another trait of academic giftedness. As for tests, again, he is bored, so he doesn’t want to study. His quality of work also explains this. Nate likely has a learning disability where the work he produces doesn’t look very nice. Learning disabilities also go hand-in-hand with academic giftedness.
La Frita over 7 years ago
His dad is immature
namelocdet over 7 years ago
I had to Google it too Nate.
BAndABro over 7 years ago
I had to google. You’re not alone!
DM2860 over 7 years ago
IQ is just a measure of potential. If you do nothing with it, then it is meaningless.
scribbledribble over 6 years ago
what is sagacity?
ND Cool Z about 6 years ago
I had no idea what sagacity means until this comic, but I thought it sounded like a city of long epic Tolkien-esque tales!
SonicFan91 almost 6 years ago
I don’t even know what he last one was
Deleted Account2623 almost 5 years ago
Sagacity according to Google: “the quality of being sagacious.”
LOAFY about 4 years ago
Grades are also just one measure of intelligence.
sansdm over 3 years ago
yikes I had to look it up also
TdsGamerBeLike over 3 years ago
Hes got more iq alright… except he doesnt have common sense and is a hypocrite
Nyan the Cat:) over 3 years ago
closes dictionary
Anibal over 3 years ago
Oxford definition: the quality of being sagacious. T_T
MJ J over 3 years ago
Some other examples of different kinds of smartness: Reasoning, logic, skepticism, adaptability, wisdom, understanding, memory, independence, Perception, creativity, exploitation, knowledge, leadership, foresight, and teambuilding.
Fox and Falco (League of Gocomics Commenters) about 3 years ago
Don’t worry, Nate, we all had to google it.
MabelPines1234 almost 2 years ago
sagacity/səˈɡasɪti/nounthe quality of being sagacious.“a man of great political sagacity”
Appel Pai about 1 year ago
she’s just in denial, nate