Ginger Meggs by Jason Chatfield for October 11, 2010

  1. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 14 years ago

    Nope, not a chance, Ginge!

    Good Morning to all of Meggsie’s fans!

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  2. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 14 years ago

    Re: graffiti…….As long as I can sneak out the rear.

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  3. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 14 years ago

    G’day Jason, JFri, usfellers, ottod and Meggsiefan!

    I know there’s no bears in Australia, but dang, he sure looks like a bear to me!

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  4. Satyr d
    ottod  over 14 years ago

    Howdy, all.

    Looks like Benny learned to swim, so the trip has been educational, and their new acquaintance seems friendly enough. I have high hopes for a positive outcome – until they try to explain it to Mr. C.

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  5. 9.  new avatar for  usfellers .
    usfellers  over 14 years ago

    G’day Jason, DryCula, JFri, Ottod, Meggsiefan, Frank and all Meggsie’s mates - and goodness only knows he needs many mates right now.

    DryCula: No, no bears outside of zoos in Australia but it is difficult to portray a Yowi or a Bunyip seeing that nobody has seen one and lived. Hopefully Ginger and Bennie will get through this and these maligned creatures become a more loved part of Australian folklore; that is, of course, if this animal is one.

    Ottod: Ginger has had quite a few disappearances over the years that have made his parents very angry - until he returned home. After some chastisement, either Mum, Dad, or each independently, have taken him aside and secretly given him some treat or other as a reward for being safe and sound. Bet your Mum and Dad did the same! Let’s only hope old Canehard is just as soft and doesn’t forget that in today’s society teachers are denied a natural course of action to show who’s boss.

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  6. N211317039976 6359
    trekkermint  over 14 years ago

    bunyips - nasty water spirit beasts - from the mighty wikipedia “The Bunyip, then, is represented as uniting the characteristics of a bird and of an alligator. It has a head resembling an emu, with a long bill, at the extremity of which is a transverse projection on each side, with serrated edges like the bone of the stingray. Its body and legs partake of the nature of the alligator. The hind legs are remarkably thick and strong, and the fore legs are much longer, but still of great strength. The extremities are furnished with long claws, but they say its usual method of killing its prey is by hugging it to death. When in the water it swims like a frog, and when on shore it walks on its hind legs with its head erect, in which position it measures twelve or thirteen feet in height.” —Peter Ravenscroft, [24]

    yowie - bigfoot’s cousin - they’re everywhere, and no one sees them but drunk uncle ned at 4 am, but that might just be aunt bertha

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