A long ago neighbour of mine came out of his house one morning to find his his car up on blocks and the alloy wheels stolen. About 20 minutes after the policeman who filed the robbery report left, a puffed up officious bylaw officer showed up to write him a ticket for leaving a car on the street without wheels. Bylaw officer says “You must move that car, you can’t have a car without wheels on the street”. Neighbour says “How am I supposed to move it without wheels?” Bylaw officer wrinkles his brow and says “Oh.” Yeah, we can see why you didn’t make it in police academy, mister.
Nuliajuk over 7 years ago
A long ago neighbour of mine came out of his house one morning to find his his car up on blocks and the alloy wheels stolen. About 20 minutes after the policeman who filed the robbery report left, a puffed up officious bylaw officer showed up to write him a ticket for leaving a car on the street without wheels. Bylaw officer says “You must move that car, you can’t have a car without wheels on the street”. Neighbour says “How am I supposed to move it without wheels?” Bylaw officer wrinkles his brow and says “Oh.” Yeah, we can see why you didn’t make it in police academy, mister.
pcolli over 7 years ago
But it doesn’t have a windscreen or wipers to leave the ticket under.