Gall Bladder! Slowly I turned.Step by Step. Inch by……..It took them about five years to figure out I needed to have my gall bladder removed.And that, after a horrible attack. Something about insurance company rules. Grrrrr.
Hope everything goes alright. Maybe if he needs it removed, maybe you can make a deal with the hospital to do some cartoons about how well they did the operation for a reduction in the bill.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer over 7 years ago
What you’re really paying for is all of the test. They’ll be poking and prodding poor Dan while they rack up the bill.
Hope it’s not as serious as it sounds
CeeJay over 7 years ago
Gall Bladder! Slowly I turned.Step by Step. Inch by……..It took them about five years to figure out I needed to have my gall bladder removed.And that, after a horrible attack. Something about insurance company rules. Grrrrr.
katina.cooper over 7 years ago
Hope everything goes alright. Maybe if he needs it removed, maybe you can make a deal with the hospital to do some cartoons about how well they did the operation for a reduction in the bill.