Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for October 22, 2010

  1. Moxie
    grshprnh  over 14 years ago

    Duh! With the years of working with kids you would think Gil could read between the lines by now.

    Is Cody the buyer or seller?

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    bronyaur  over 14 years ago

    Too many of Mimi’s cookies?

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    gloveman  over 14 years ago

    Of course, Stay out of the park! Find a nice sleazy gym where you can get some good body building enhancers. Why doesn’t Cody have a few zits, or he just counseling other foster kids in the park?

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    Chuckster11  over 14 years ago

    Geez Coach, it’s called Weight Watchers! Although this Thorp sort of resembles the original Thorp, Jim.

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    Cliff1911  over 14 years ago

    Come on, it’s nice to see Gil growing into becoming Ronald Reagan.

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    b8tzm  over 14 years ago

    Coach Thorp and Chief have same shirt on? Say it aint so!

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    kdizzle  over 14 years ago

    Seriously, is MPD so small that the Chief of Police gets notified of a report of a kid jogging in the park?

    I still think this is a set up, Cody’s a good kid at heart.

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  8. Judge
    thejudge  over 14 years ago

    Yes! A Chief Lind reference!!!!

    S Mart is irrevently referred to as S**t Mart by the local Milford kids.

    As in, “let’s go down to the S**t Mart and see if that janitor dude will buy us beer”.

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